Personalised quote from a professional will writer. Save 70% on your will today!

The Best Quotes from Trusted UK Professional Will Writers.

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Get today's best will writing quotes and protect your assets for generations of loved ones to come. The most simple and cost-effective way to make a will.


Validated by Experts

You will be guided all the way to completion including registration of the courts.


Todays Best Quotes

We aim to find the best quotes from trusted will makers in the UK. Free, with no-obligation to proceed.



Your estate planning expert will ensure your important financial, health and welfare decisions can be made by only your appointed attorneys.

Peace of Mind

Help your loved ones when you are gone and avoid things like, unnecessary inheritance taxation

Why Use Simple Life Planning?

Simple Life Planning aims to offer a cost-effective, hassle-free will writing service that is perfect for those who have a busy schedule or would rather allocate their funds towards their loved ones rather than paying exorbitant legal fees. Our service provides numerous individuals with the assurance of having a well-written and expert last will and testament every week.

Our team of skilled legal advisors will assist you throughout the estate planning process and guide you through the various financial matters that require your attention. With our straightforward approach and easy-to-understand language, you can rest assured that all aspects of your will are handled with care.

  • Best quotes from matched professionals
  • Will writing by UK professionals
  • Simple online form, to get personalised quotes
  • 100% legally bound document

How it works

"According to a survey conducted by Will Aid in 2020, almost 54% of UK adults do not have a will, meaning they risk dying intestate and having their assets distributed according to the laws of intestacy, rather than their personal wishes."

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FAQs about Will Writing

What is will making and why is it important?

Will making is the process of creating a legal document that outlines how you want your assets to be distributed after you pass away. It is important because it ensures that your wishes are carried out and your loved ones are taken care of. Without a will, your assets may be distributed according to the laws of intestacy, which may not reflect your preferences.

What are the requirements to create a will in the UK?

To create a will in the UK, you must be at least 18 years old and of sound mind. The will must be in writing, signed by you in the presence of two witnesses who are not beneficiaries of the will, and the witnesses must also sign the will.

How do I go about will writing in the UK?

There are several ways to go about will writing in the UK. You can use a will writing service, a solicitor, or a DIY will kit. It is important to ensure that your will is legally valid and accurately reflects your wishes, so seeking professional advice is recommended.

What happens if I die without creating a will?

If you die without creating a will, your assets will be distributed according to the laws of intestacy, which means that the government decides who gets what. This can lead to complications and disputes among family members and loved ones, and may not reflect your preferences.

Can I update or change my will after it has been created?

Yes, you can update or change your will after it has been created. This is known as making a codicil. However, it is important to ensure that any changes you make are done correctly and legally valid. It is recommended to seek professional advice to ensure that your changes are accurate and reflect your wishes. Alternatively, you can create a new will that revokes any previous wills.